Long Forgotten Sons
Guitar Pro Tab | v4.06
| Posted on Feb. 22, 2012, 11:30 a.m.
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Guitar Pro Tab Summary
Appeal to Reason
Song Author
Rise Against
File Size
64 KB
Far from ho-me on a road un-known
Where the vul-tures cir-cle on winds that bl-ow
From north-ern skies that haunt these wak-ing mo-ments.
On sha-dows ca-st by the moun-tain range
On cal-loused soles we find our w-ay
Through despe-rate ey-es, we long for the ho-ri-zo-n
While this sun is ris-ing, yeah!
We are the long for-got-ten sons
And dau-ghters that don't be-long to an-y-one
And we are a-lone un-der this sun
And we work to fix the work that you've un-do-o-one
When cries for he-lp go un-an-swered
And sig-nal fi-res just burn and bu-rn
We won-der if we're wai-ting here for no-thing
Cause our lips are se-wn, our ears are filled
With the con-stant drone of the un-ful-fil-led
But we'll ne-ver fa-ll, if we stand for some-thi-ng;
We stand for some-thing, yeah!
Yeah, We are the long for-got-ten sons
And dau-ghters that don't be-long to an-y-one
And we are a-lone un-der this sun
And we work to fix the work that you've un-do-o-one
Don't fall, I see lights in the dis-tance
They're not far a-a-way
Stand up cause the sky is tu-ur-ning gra-ay
There's hope in these foot-steps of per-sis-tence
So don't go a-a-stray
These lights get clo-ser e-ver-y-da-a-ay
Cause we are the long for-got-ten sons
And we are the long for-got-ten sons
We are the long for-got-ten sons
And dau-ghters that don't be-long to an-y-one
And we are a-lone un-der this sun
And we work to fix the work that you've un-do-o-on-o-one
What you've un-do-o-one